create a short sound recording in which you present – as short, meanwhile as consistent as possible – the essence and importance of your research! 

We departed from the hypothesis that reformulating a brief summary of one’s own artistic research (that we called a logline) will reveal more layers and connections, and will transform the attitude towards one’s research more aware and reflective. As we know from the Socratic argumentative method, the process of reformulating our statements allows us to gain a deeper understanding of our own real objectives, helped by the discursive contribution of a critical partner, who can listen and argue logically and by facing us with questions helps us in refining our own ideas.

To begin this exercise, we asked the students to create a very short recorded audio logline of their research. We provided as a reference the brief descriptions of the essence and significance of various Nobel Prize winning research fincings and encouraged students to think about articulating their own research in a similar manner. 


After the recordings were made, we conducted a speed dating exercise where each student had a 5-minute slot to discuss the content of their recordings with another student. Each student had the opportunity to speak with every other student at least once. Following the speed dating conversations, we asked students to restate their own research and re-record it once again. 

A lunch break and a siesta followed before listening to each student’s recordings one by one and discussing the experiences in the framework of a moderated collective discussion.