International Mobility Office
International Mobility Office
Postal address: Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Andrássy út 69-71, 1062 Budapest, Hungary
Head / Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator
e-mail:; Phone: +36 20 276 4840
Office Hours: Please contact via e-mail or phone to make an appointment
For OUTGOING students and staff
Teréz TUSJÁK, International Coordinator (outgoing students and staff)
e-mail:; Phone: +36 70 682 4582
Office Hours: Please contact via e-mail or phone to make an appointment
For Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme and Diaspora Scholarship Programme
Máté BOGDÁNY, Stipendium Hungaricum Coordinator
e-mail:; Phone: +36 30 267 3543
Office Hours: Please contact via e-mail or phone to make an appointment
For Erasmus INCOMING students and staff
Zsuzsanna MEHRLI, International Coordinator (incoming students and staff)
e-mail:; Phone: + 36 30 350 8441
Office Hours: Please contact via e-mail or phone to make an appointment