Labification - metaphor or practice?

Press conference, presentations and discussions

Labification - metaphor or practice?

Labification - metaphor or practice?

Press conference, presentations and discussions

Hungarian University of Fine Arts, 1061- Budapest, Andrássy út 69-71.
23 March 2023.

EU4Art_differences is a joint research project of four influential European higher art education institutions - the Hungarian University of Fine Arts (MKE), the Hochschule für Bildende Künste (HfBK) in Dresden, the Academia di Belle Arti (ABARoma) in Rome and the Art Academy of Latvia (LMA) in Riga - aiming to:

  • develop new educational and doctoral programs for undergraduate and postgraduate art students,
  • strengthening the research profile of each institution,
  • encouraging international exchange between students, teachers and researchers,
  • supporting the development of new connections with other art education institutions and research centres,
  • strengthen the research approach in the arts and make it visible to the broadest possible public.

One of the main aims and tasks of the EU4Art_differences project is to create a LAB(oratory) within each of the participating institutions, through which they articulate the concept of artistic research, its organizational, research and development possibilities. Due to the different local contexts and institutional traditions, the partners have been developing their concepts and launched their LABs in cooperation but independently from each other.

ABARoma considers the laboratory as a community that provides a framework for experimentation and collaboration between professionals from different research fields. It also envisions the LAB as a place for learning and knowledge sharing, providing a common source of inspiration and motivation for researchers of different generations.

The HfBK understands artistic research as an ontological practice that is directly related to the relationship between tacit knowledge and expert skills, as well as to creative processes. Consequently, their LAB concept strongly emphasises the social implications of performative knowledge production, especially from the perspective of set design, theatre theory and art therapy.

Art practice and theory have been traditionally intertwined in the LMA curriculum. However, art research is seen not only as a bridge between the two but also as a methodology that generates new possibilities for both fields. Their LAB concept is based on openness (Open Lab), focusing on art education, interdisciplinarity and specific methodologies, which they aim to extend further through participatory research methods.

The concept of the MKE is based on the idea that artistic research is primarily a collective activity. Therefore, the LAB is conceived as a discursive space where individual research outputs of different levels (student, doctoral, faculty) can be shared. Their intersections can develop collaborations that can possibly lead to broader cultural and social impact through the involvement of external partners.

Through a detailed presentation and public discussion of the above-mentioned institutional initiatives, the press conference will present the current and future activities of the LABs. The event will also offer the opportunity to directly experience some of the specific student art research projects at the MKE.

Detailed programme:

9:30-10:00 - Rector's welcome

10:00-11:00 - Collective research experiment NO. 1.

11:15-12:15 - LAB presentations

12:15-12:45 - Coffee, snack break

12:45-14:30 - Round table discussion

15:00 -15:30 - Guided tour of the exhibition "Lian" (Barcsay Hall, MKE)

Host: Anikó Bojtos (MKE) /
Participants: ABARoma: Franco Ripa di Meana, Elena Giulia Rossi (LAB team) / HfBK: Oliver Kossack (rector), Till Ansgar Baumhauer, Claudia Reichert, Andrea Weipert (LAB team) / LMA: Kristaps Zariņš (rector), Jānis Gailītis, Vineta Kreigere, Andris Teikmanis, Ieva Siliņa (LAB team) / / MKE: István Erős (rector), Mátyás Fusz, Gabriella Kiss, Szabolcs KissPál (LAB team), Balázs Kicsiny, Piroska É. Kiss (MKE)


COLLECTIVE RESEARCH NO.1 - Programme of doctoral and undergraduate students of the MKE.

The programme explores possible methodologies and formats of ongoing art research activities at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts through site-specific installations, performative and somatic exercises, and public discussion related to the research topics.

Participating students, doctoral researchers and their guests: Éva Bubla, Bernadett Jobbágy, Vivien Papp (MKE DI), Dominika Drótos (MKE Painting Department) / Contributors Klára Cserne, Fanni Nánay (PLACCC Festival)

The language of the event is English.

Further information:

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