Knoll Gallery Vienna is pleased to announce the group show "curated by_Eszter LÁZÁR & Edina NAGY. Zeitgeistlos."
Participating artists: Ádám ALBERT, FORM FUTURE: Kim Dotty HACHMANN, Steffi SIMMEN; Pawel KORBUS; Svätopluk MIKYTA; Lada NAKONECHNA; Kay WALKOWIAK; Zorka WOLLNY
Opening: September 13, 2018, 6pm
Duration: September 14 - November 3, 2018
Special event at the opening (September 13, 2018) from 6 PM
Zorka Wollny
Lullabies to Wake Up, 2018
Sound Performance in collaboration with Christine Schörkhuber (et al.)
The era of Red Vienna is well known to those who are familiar with the leftist ideologies and aspirations of the 20th Century. The goals of the former Social Democrats were not, or only partially, realized, but we are convinced that these experiments – including contradictions – have relevance in today's socio-political situation. The exhibition explores these utopian promises and their sobering legacy, because the present reveals an increasingly dystopian vision of the future.
The exhibition, rather than attempting to process this historical period, aims to read it further. The question of whether the artistic reflections envision the sustainability of a livable society, in any case, remains open.
more information: http://www.
The exhibition takes place in the context of Curated by"VIENNALINE".
more information: https://