A professional visit to Argentina

A professional visit to Argentina
The Rector of our University participated in a professional trip to Argentina from 13 to 17 November. Organised by the MRK (Hungarian Rectors' Conference), the participating rectors visited a number of private and public universities to gain experience and networking opportunities, and had the opportunity to meet representatives of 38 Argentine universities in a large-scale meeting. The Hungarian rectors were also greeted by the Argentine Minister of Education and promised that Argentina would support the travel expenses of students coming to Hungary under the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme.
The visit to the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) and the networking there was the most important part of the week for HUFA. With 30,000 students, the university's Faculty of Arts offers their students high quality courses and has excellent exhibition spaces. UNITREF and our university have signed an IIA (Inter-Institutional Agreement) in the hope of submitting a joint project proposal to the 2024 Erasmus+ 171 international credit mobility call, which will provide the funding for mobility between the two institutions.
Our Rector, Dr. István Erős, gave a presentation to colleagues at UNTREF - organized by the UNTREF Doctoral School - on the topic of Nature Art, which was followed online by students at various locations of the university.
We look forward to fruitful contacts with Argentina in the future, and to the opportunity for our faculty and students to visit this extraordinarily beautiful South American country.